nuff nang

Saturday, August 13, 2011

whoaaa...thanks :)

whoa..tadi family ku meraikan my belated birthday...auwww...touching eden..hikhik...thanks thanks thanks..

dan...tengok lah pic apa tu? yes..kek angry bird...hikhik...memang tak boleh lari jauh...angry bird juga tu..nampaknya hujung tahun ini, kena lah decide sama ada nak beli DSLR camera or Ipad2. eh, tak ada kena mengena langsung dengan angry bird kan? ( since, dalam Ipad kan ada game angry bird,motive? ) hahaha...

tak apa la, maybe i'll stick with my decision to grab DSLR camera..InsyaAllah..Moga dipermudahkan oleh Allah dan dilimpahkan pada ku dengan rezki yang halal.. Ipad2 tak mengapa lah, nanti claim kat dulang hantaran lol... berangan lah kau perempuan...hikhik

oklah, mahu tidur, esok mahu kerja la pulok..

Assalamualaikum and ta-ta :)

Friday, August 12, 2011

dah basi


dah basi kan? hihihi. yup, it was my birthday on August 3rd, recently. nothing special, nothing extraordinares happened. but, what ever it is, i am still being thankful and grateful as well to Allah.

kerna apa? kerna masih memberi peluang pada hambaNYA ini untuk terus menikmati hidup. Alhamdulillah, syukur.

ada hadiah ke? since birthday kali ini, pada bulan Ramadhan. so, tiadalah, makan-makan or family gathering. saya tak kisah pun. coz selama ini pun, tiap kali ada birthday dalam family, saya cuma utamakan anak-anak saudara saya sahaja. bagi mereka bergembira sesama mereka makan birthday cake and upmost, mestilah family gathering. berkumpul adik beradik and whole family.

owh..lupa pula,hadiah ya? haaa....

for my birthday....sarung henpong eden..hikhik..angry bird lagi.. from my kaklong and her is ok..makyang loikeee..walaupun makyang tak minat angry bird...

other than that, i got so many birthday wishes from friends, siblings and relatives and juga teman tapi mesra..ahakz ;p tettt...thanks guyz...i really do appreciates it...thank you again for still being loyal, standing beside this silly-irritating-mood swinger kinda girl...hikhik...

thank you thank you thank you! May Allah bless all of you.

till then, Assalamualaikum.

* p/s : serius malas nak edit and copyright pics di atas tu registered under TFL. ;p


Tuesday, August 2, 2011

rhyme ooo rhyme

 I hate the way you talk to me
 and the way you cut your hair
 I hate the way you drive my car
I hate it when you stare
I hate your big dumb combat boots
and the way you read my mind
 I hate you so much it makes me sick
it even makes me rhyme. 
I hate it
 I hate the way you're always right
 I hate it when you lie
 I hate it when you make me laugh
 even worse when you make me cry
 I hate it when you're not around
and the fact that you didn't call
But mostly I hate the way I don't hate you
 Not even close
not even a little bit
not even at all.